Source code for pyloggr.config

# encoding: utf-8
Small hack to be able to import configuration from environment variable.

__author__ = 'stef'

from os.path import abspath, expanduser, dirname, join, exists
import logging
import logging.config
import ssl as ssl_module
from base64 import b64decode
from itertools import ifilter, imap

from configobj import ConfigObj
import certifi
from future.builtins import str as real_unicode
from future.builtins import bytes as real_bytes

from pyloggr.utils import check_directory
from pyloggr.utils.constants import FACILITY, SEVERITY
from pwd import getpwnam
from grp import getgrnam

def _make_bool(b):
    if isinstance(b, bool):
        return b
    elif isinstance(b, int):
        return bool(b)
    if isinstance(b, real_unicode) or isinstance(b, real_bytes):
        b = b.lower().strip()
        if b in ('false', 'no'):
            return False
        elif b in ('true', 'yes'):
            return True
        elif b == "none":
            return None
        elif b == '':
            return None
            raise ValueError("Strange boolean value ?!")
    if b is None:
        return None

    raise ValueError("Strange boolean value ?!")

[docs]class GenericConfig(object): """Base class for configurations""" @classmethod
[docs] def from_dict(cls, d): """ Build configuration object from a dictionnary :param d: dictionnary """ return cls(**d)
[docs]class RabbitMQConfig(GenericConfig): """RabbitMQ connection parameters""" def __init__(self, host, user, password, port=5672, vhost='pyloggr'): = str(host) self.port = int(port) if port else 5672 self.vhost = str(vhost) if vhost else 'pyloggr' self.user = str(user) self.password = password
[docs]class ConsumerConfig(GenericConfig): """Parameters for RabbitMQ consumers""" def __init__(self, queue, qos=None, binding_key=None): self.queue = str(queue) self.qos = int(qos) if qos is not None else None self.binding_key = str(binding_key) if binding_key else None
[docs]class PublisherConfig(GenericConfig): """Parameters for RabbitMQ publishers""" def __init__(self, exchange, application_id='pyloggr', event_type='', binding_key=''): self.application_id = str(application_id) if application_id else 'pyloggr' self.event_type = str(event_type) if event_type else '' = str(exchange) self.binding_key = str(binding_key) if binding_key else None
[docs]class FilterMachineConfig(GenericConfig): """ Filter machines configuration """ def __init__(self, source, destination, filters): self.source = ConsumerConfig.from_dict(source) self.destination = PublisherConfig.from_dict(destination) self.filters = str(filters)
[docs]class Shipper2PGSQL(GenericConfig): """ Parameters for PostgreSQL shippers """ def __init__(self, host, user, password, source_queue, event_stack_size=500, port=5432, dbname="pyloggr", tablename="events", max_pool=10, connect_timeout=10): = str(host) self.port = int(port) if port else 5432 self.user = str(user) self.password = password self.dbname = str(dbname) if dbname else 'pyloggr' self.tablename = str(tablename) if tablename else 'events' self.max_pool = int(max_pool) if max_pool else 10 self.connect_timeout = int(connect_timeout) if connect_timeout else 10 self.source_queue = str(source_queue) self.event_stack_size = int(event_stack_size) if event_stack_size else 500 self.dsn = 'dbname={} user={} password={} host={} port={} connect_timeout={}'.format( self.dbname, self.user, self.password,, self.port, self.connect_timeout )
[docs]class Shipper2FSConfig(GenericConfig): """ Parameters for filesystem shippers """ def __init__(self, directory, filename, source_queue, seconds_between_flush=10, frmt="RSYSLOG"): = str(directory) self.filename = str(filename) self.frmt = str(frmt) if frmt else "RSYSLOG" self.source_queue = str(source_queue) self.seconds_between_flush = int(seconds_between_flush) if seconds_between_flush else 10
[docs]class Shipper2SyslogConfig(GenericConfig): """ Parameters for syslog shippers """ def __init__(self, host, port, source_queue, use_ssl=False, protocol="tcp", frmt="RFC5424", source_qos=500, verify=True, hostname='', ca_certs=None, client_cert=None, client_key=None): = str(host) self.port = int(port) self.source_queue = str(source_queue) self.protocol = str(protocol) if protocol else "tcp" self.frmt = str(frmt) if frmt else "RFC5424" self.source_qos = int(source_qos) if source_qos is not None else 500 use_ssl = _make_bool(use_ssl) verify = _make_bool(verify) self.use_ssl = use_ssl if use_ssl is not None else False self.verify = verify if verify is not None else True self.hostname = str(hostname) if hostname else use_certifi = False if ca_certs is None: ca_certs = certifi.where() use_certifi = True elif ca_certs.lower() == "none" or ca_certs.lower() == "false": ca_certs = certifi.where() use_certifi = True else: ca_certs = abspath(expanduser(ca_certs)) if not exists(ca_certs): raise ValueError("Shipper2SyslogConfig: ca_certs file '{}' does not exist".format( ca_certs )) self.ca_certs = ca_certs if client_cert is not None: if client_cert.lower() == "none" or client_cert.lower() == 'false' or client_cert == '': client_cert = None else: client_cert = abspath(expanduser(client_cert)) if not exists(client_cert): raise ValueError("Shipper2SyslogConfig: client_cert file '{}' does not exist".format( client_cert )) self.client_cert = client_cert if client_key is not None: if client_key.lower() == "none" or client_key.lower() == 'false' or client_key == '': client_key = None else: client_key = abspath(expanduser(client_key)) if not exists(client_key): raise ValueError("Shipper2SyslogConfig: client_key file '{}' does not exist".format( client_key )) self.client_key = client_key if (client_key is None and client_cert is not None) or (client_key is not None and client_cert is None): raise ValueError("client_key and client_cert should be both filled or both empty") if self.use_ssl and (self.client_key is not None) and (not self.verify): raise ValueError("Nonsense configuration: syslog client wants to use certificates, " "but does not check the server certificate's validity") if self.use_ssl and self.verify and use_certifi: print("Warning: Shipper2SyslogConfig: ca_certs is empty, that means that CA " "certificates from certifi will be used to verify the server certificate")
[docs]class SSLConfig(GenericConfig): """ Syslog servers SSL configuration """ def __init__(self, certfile, keyfile, ssl_version="PROTOCOL_SSLv23", ca_certs='', cert_reqs=ssl_module.CERT_NONE): certfile = abspath(expanduser(certfile)) if not exists(certfile): raise ValueError("In SSL configuration, cerfile '{}' does not exist".format(certfile)) self.certfile = certfile keyfile = abspath(expanduser(keyfile)) if not exists(keyfile): raise ValueError("In SSL configuration, keyfile '{}' does not exist".format(keyfile)) self.keyfile = keyfile if (ssl_version is None) or (ssl_version == "PROTOCOL_SSLv23") or (ssl_version == ''): self.ssl_version = ssl_module.PROTOCOL_SSLv23 else: self.ssl_version = getattr(ssl.module, ssl_version, ssl_module.PROTOCOL_SSLv23) if ca_certs is None: self.ca_certs = '' elif (ca_certs.lower() == "none") or (ca_certs == ''): self.ca_certs = '' else: certs_path = abspath(expanduser(ca_certs)) if not exists(certs_path): raise ValueError("ca_certs file '{}' does not exist".format(ca_certs)) self.ca_certs = certs_path if cert_reqs is None: self.cert_reqs = ssl_module.CERT_NONE elif (cert_reqs.lower() == "cert_none") or (cert_reqs == '') or (cert_reqs.lower() == "none"): self.cert_reqs = ssl_module.CERT_NONE elif (cert_reqs.lower() == "cert_optional") or (cert_reqs.lower() == "optional"): self.cert_reqs = ssl_module.CERT_OPTIONAL elif (cert_reqs.lower() == "cert_required") or (cert_reqs.lower() == "required"): self.cert_reqs = ssl_module.CERT_REQUIRED else: self.cert_reqs = getattr(ssl_module, cert_reqs, ssl_module.CERT_NONE)
[docs]class LoggingConfig(GenericConfig): """ Where to log """ def __init__(self, level="DEBUG", **kwargs): for name in ['security', 'syslog', 'filtermachine', 'frontend', 'shipper2fs', 'shipper2pgsql', 'harvest', 'collector', 'shipper2syslog']: self.__setattr__(name, str(kwargs.get(name, "~/logs/pyloggr.{}.log".format(name)))) self.level = str(level) if level else "DEBUG"
[docs]class SyslogServerConfig(GenericConfig): """ Parameters for syslog servers """ def __init__(self, name, ports=None, stype='tcp', localhost_only=False, socket_names=None, ssl=None, packer_groups=None, compress=False): = str(name) if ports is None: self.ports = [] elif isinstance(ports, list): self.ports = [int(p) for p in ports] else: self.ports = [int(ports)] self.stype = str(stype) localhost_only = _make_bool(localhost_only) compress = _make_bool(compress) self.localhost_only = localhost_only if localhost_only is not None else False self.compress = compress if compress is not None else False self.ssl = SSLConfig.from_dict(ssl) if ssl else None self.packer_groups = packer_groups.split(',') if packer_groups else [] if not socket_names: self.socket_names = [] elif isinstance(socket_names, list): self.socket_names = [abspath(expanduser(str(socket_name))) for socket_name in socket_names] else: self.socket_names = [abspath(expanduser(str(socket_names)))]
class SyslogAgentDestination(GenericConfig): def __init__(self, host, port, protocol="relp", frmt="RFC5424", tls=False, tls_hostname="", verify_server_cert=True, compress=False): = str(host) self.port = int(port) self.protocol = str(protocol).lower() if protocol else "relp" self.frmt = str(frmt) if frmt else "RFC5424" self.tls_hostname = str(tls_hostname) if tls_hostname else None verify_server_cert = _make_bool(verify_server_cert) compress = _make_bool(compress) tls = _make_bool(tls) self.tls = tls if tls is not None else False self.verify_server_cert = verify_server_cert if verify_server_cert is not None else True self.compress = compress if compress is not None else False
[docs]class SyslogAgentConfig(GenericConfig): """ Parameters for the syslog agent """ def __init__(self, UID=None, GID=None, destinations=None, tcp_ports=None, udp_ports=None, relp_ports=None, pause=5, lmdb_db_name="~/lmdb/agent_queue", localhost_only=True, server_deadline=120, socket_names=None, pids_directory="~/pids", logs_directory="~/logs", HMAC_KEY=None, logs_level="DEBUG"): self.UID = getpwnam(str(UID)).pw_uid if UID else None self.GID = getgrnam(str(GID)).gr_gid if GID else None self.logs_level = logs_level if logs_level else "DEBUG" pids_directory = pids_directory if pids_directory else "~/pids" self.pids_directory = check_directory(pids_directory, self.UID, self.GID, create=True) logs_directory = logs_directory if logs_directory else "~/logs" self.logs_directory = check_directory(logs_directory, self.UID, self.GID, create=True) lmdb_db_name = lmdb_db_name if lmdb_db_name else "~/lmdb/agent_queue" self.lmdb_db_name = check_directory(lmdb_db_name, self.UID, self.GID, create=True) self.logs_file = join(self.logs_directory, 'pyloggr.agent.log') if not tcp_ports: self.tcp_ports = [] elif isinstance(tcp_ports, list): self.tcp_ports = [int(p) for p in tcp_ports] else: self.tcp_ports = [int(tcp_ports)] if not udp_ports: self.udp_ports = [] elif isinstance(udp_ports, list): self.udp_ports = [int(p) for p in udp_ports] else: self.udp_ports = [int(udp_ports)] if not relp_ports: self.relp_ports = [] elif isinstance(relp_ports, list): self.relp_ports = [int(p) for p in relp_ports] else: self.relp_ports = [int(relp_ports)] if not socket_names: self.socket_names = [] elif isinstance(socket_names, list): self.socket_names = [abspath(expanduser(str(socket_name))) for socket_name in socket_names] else: self.socket_names = [abspath(expanduser(str(socket_names)))] self.pause = int(pause) if pause else 5 self.server_deadline = int(server_deadline) if server_deadline is not None else 120 localhost_only = _make_bool(localhost_only) self.localhost_only = localhost_only if localhost_only is not None else True self.destinations = destinations self.HMAC_KEY = b64decode(HMAC_KEY) if HMAC_KEY else None if not HMAC_KEY: logging.warning("You should specify a HMAC_KEY")
[docs]class HarvestDirectory(GenericConfig): """ Directories to harvest file logs from """ def __init__(self, directory_name, app_name=u'', packer_group=u'', recursive=False, facility=u'', severity=u'', source=u''): self.packer_group = str(packer_group) if packer_group else '' self.directory_name = str(directory_name) recursive = _make_bool(recursive) self.recursive = recursive if recursive is not None else False if facility: if facility not in FACILITY.values(): raise ValueError("HARVEST configuration: invalid 'facility' value") self.facility = str(facility) if facility else '' if severity: if severity not in SEVERITY.values(): raise ValueError("HARVEST configuration: invalid 'severity' value") self.severity = str(severity) if severity else '' self.app_name = str(app_name) if app_name else '' self.source = str(source) if source else ''
def _config_file_to_dict(filename): return ConfigObj( infile=filename, interpolation=False, encoding="utf-8", write_empty_values=True, raise_errors=True, file_error=True ).dict()
[docs]class GlobalConfig(object): """ Placeholder for all configuration parameters """ # noinspection PyUnusedLocal,PyPep8Naming def __init__(self, HMAC_KEY, RABBITMQ_HTTP, COOKIE_SECRET, MAX_WAIT_SECONDS_BEFORE_SHUTDOWN=10, PIDS_DIRECTORY='~/pids', SLEEP_TIME=60, UID=None, GID=None, HTTP_PORT=8080, EXCHANGE_SPACE="~/lmdb/exchange", RESCUE_QUEUE_DIRNAME="~/lmdb/rescue", **kwargs): self.UID = getpwnam(str(UID)).pw_uid if UID else None self.GID = getgrnam(str(GID)).gr_gid if GID else None self.MAX_WAIT_SECONDS_BEFORE_SHUTDOWN = int(MAX_WAIT_SECONDS_BEFORE_SHUTDOWN) self.HMAC_KEY = b64decode(HMAC_KEY) self.PIDS_DIRECTORY = check_directory(PIDS_DIRECTORY, self.UID, self.GID) self.RABBITMQ_HTTP = RABBITMQ_HTTP self.RESCUE_QUEUE_DIRNAME = check_directory(RESCUE_QUEUE_DIRNAME, self.UID, self.GID) self.EXCHANGE_SPACE = check_directory(EXCHANGE_SPACE, self.UID, self.GID) self.COOKIE_SECRET = COOKIE_SECRET self.SLEEP_TIME = int(SLEEP_TIME) self.HTTP_PORT = int(HTTP_PORT) if HTTP_PORT else 8080 @classmethod
[docs] def load(cls, config_dirname): """ :param config_dirname: configuration directory path :rtype: GlobalConfig """ config_dirname = check_directory(config_dirname, create=False) main_config_filename = join(config_dirname, 'pyloggr_config') d = _config_file_to_dict(main_config_filename) c = cls(**d) c.CONFIG_DIR = config_dirname c.NOTIFICATIONS = PublisherConfig.from_dict(d['NOTIFICATIONS']) c._load_rabbitmq_conf() c._load_shipper2pgsql_conf() c._load_shipper2fs_conf() c._load_logging_conf() c._load_harvest_conf() c._load_syslog_servers_conf() c._load_machines_conf() c._load_shipper2syslog_conf() return c
def _load_rabbitmq_conf(self): rabbitmq_config_filename = join(self.CONFIG_DIR, 'rabbitmq.conf') d = _config_file_to_dict(rabbitmq_config_filename) self.RABBITMQ = RabbitMQConfig.from_dict(d) def _load_shipper2pgsql_conf(self): pgsql_config_filename = join(self.CONFIG_DIR, 'shipper2pgsql.conf') d = _config_file_to_dict(pgsql_config_filename) self.SHIPPER2PGSQL = {shipper: Shipper2PGSQL.from_dict(d[shipper]) for shipper in d} def _load_shipper2fs_conf(self): fs_config_filename = join(self.CONFIG_DIR, 'shipper2fs.conf') d = _config_file_to_dict(fs_config_filename) self.SHIPPER2FS = {shipper: Shipper2FSConfig.from_dict(d[shipper]) for shipper in d} for shipper in self.SHIPPER2FS.values(): = check_directory(, self.UID, self.GID) def _load_logging_conf(self): logging_config_filename = join(self.CONFIG_DIR, 'logging.conf') d = _config_file_to_dict(logging_config_filename) self.LOGGING_FILES = LoggingConfig.from_dict(d) def _load_harvest_conf(self): self.HARVEST = {} harvest_conf_filename = join(self.CONFIG_DIR, 'harvest.conf') d = _config_file_to_dict(harvest_conf_filename) for (directory_name, options) in d.items(): directory_name = check_directory(directory_name, self.UID, self.GID) options['directory_name'] = directory_name self.HARVEST[directory_name] = HarvestDirectory.from_dict(options) def _load_syslog_servers_conf(self): syslog_servers_conf_filename = join(self.CONFIG_DIR, 'syslog_servers.conf') d = _config_file_to_dict(syslog_servers_conf_filename) server_names = [server_name for server_name in d if isinstance(d[server_name], dict)] others = {key: value for key, value in d.items() if key not in server_names} self.SYSLOG_PUBLISHER = PublisherConfig.from_dict(others) self.SYSLOG = {} for server_name in server_names: d[server_name]['name'] = server_name self.SYSLOG[server_name] = SyslogServerConfig.from_dict(d[server_name]) def _load_machines_conf(self): syslog_servers_conf_filename = join(self.CONFIG_DIR, 'machines.conf') d = _config_file_to_dict(syslog_servers_conf_filename) self.MACHINES = {name: FilterMachineConfig.from_dict(machine) for name, machine in d.items()} def _load_shipper2syslog_conf(self): shipper2syslog_conf_filename = join(self.CONFIG_DIR, 'shipper2syslog.conf') d = _config_file_to_dict(shipper2syslog_conf_filename) self.SHIPPER2SYSLOG = {name: Shipper2SyslogConfig.from_dict(shipper) for name, shipper in d.items()}
[docs]def set_logging(filename, level="DEBUG"): """ Set logging configuration :param filename: logs file name :param level: logs verbosity :type filename: str :type level: str """ logging_config_dict = { 'version': 1, 'disable_existing_loggers': False, 'formatters': { 'fileformat': { 'format': '%(asctime)s --- %(name)s --- %(process)d --- %(levelname)s --- %(message)s' }, 'consoleformat': { 'format': '%(levelname)s --- %(message)s' } }, 'handlers': { 'console': { 'level': 'DEBUG', 'class': 'logging.StreamHandler', 'formatter': 'consoleformat' }, 'tofile': { 'level': 'DEBUG', 'class': 'logging.FileHandler', 'formatter': 'fileformat', 'filename': '', 'encoding': 'utf-8' }, 'security_handler': { 'level': 'DEBUG', 'class': 'logging.FileHandler', 'formatter': 'fileformat', 'filename': '', 'encoding': 'utf-8' } }, 'loggers': { '': { 'handlers': ['console', 'tofile'], 'level': "INFO" }, 'pyloggr': { 'handlers': ['console', 'tofile'], 'level': level, 'propagate': False }, 'security': { 'handlers': ['console', 'security_handler'], 'level': 'INFO', 'propagate': False } } } filename = abspath(expanduser(filename)) if hasattr(Config, "LOGGING_FILES"): security_filename = abspath(expanduser( else: security_filename = filename check_directory(dirname(filename), Config.UID, Config.GID) check_directory(dirname(security_filename), Config.UID, Config.GID) logging_config_dict['handlers']['tofile']['filename'] = filename logging_config_dict['handlers']['security_handler']['filename'] = security_filename logging.config.dictConfig(logging_config_dict)
[docs]class Config(object): """ Config object can be imported and contains configuration parameters """ pass
def set_agent_configuration(config_file): d = _config_file_to_dict(config_file) dest_names = [dest_name for dest_name in d if isinstance(d[dest_name], dict)] others = {key: value for key, value in d.items() if key not in dest_names} Config.SYSLOG_AGENT = SyslogAgentConfig.from_dict(others) Config.SYSLOG_AGENT.destinations = [SyslogAgentDestination.from_dict(d[dest_name]) for dest_name in dest_names] Config.PIDS_DIRECTORY = Config.SYSLOG_AGENT.pids_directory Config.HMAC_KEY = Config.SYSLOG_AGENT.HMAC_KEY Config.UID = Config.SYSLOG_AGENT.UID Config.GID = Config.SYSLOG_AGENT.GID
[docs]def set_configuration(configuration_directory): """ Set up configuration :param configuration_directory: configuration parent directory :return: """ config_obj = GlobalConfig.load(configuration_directory) # copy configuration to Config object attrs = ifilter(lambda attr: attr.isupper(), vars(config_obj)) list(imap(lambda attr: setattr(Config, attr, config_obj.__getattribute__(attr)), attrs)) # read packers_config and inject it in Config.SYSLOG.servers and Config.HARVEST.directories from pyloggr.packers.build_packers_config import parse_config_file as parse_packer_config_file packers_config = parse_packer_config_file(join(configuration_directory, 'packers_config')) # in Config.SYSLOG.servers ... syslog_servers_with_packers = [server for server in Config.SYSLOG.values() if server.packer_groups] for syslog_server in syslog_servers_with_packers: syslog_server.packer_groups = [ packers_config[packer_group_name] for packer_group_name in syslog_server.packer_groups ] # in Config.HARVEST.directories ... harvest_directories_with_packers = [ directory_obj for directory_obj in Config.HARVEST.values() if directory_obj.packer_group ] for directory_obj in harvest_directories_with_packers: directory_obj.packer_group = packers_config[directory_obj.packer_group]