Source code for pyloggr.event

# encoding: utf-8
The pyloggr.event module mainly provides the Event class.

Event provides an abstraction of a syslog event.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
__author__ = 'stef'

import logging
from base64 import b64encode, b64decode, urlsafe_b64encode

import ujson
from arrow import Arrow
import arrow
import arrow.parser
import dateutil.parser
from datetime import datetime
from functools import total_ordering
from io import open

from future.utils import python_2_unicode_compatible, raise_from, viewvalues, viewitems
from future.builtins import str as past_unicode
from future.builtins import bytes as realbytes
# noinspection PyPackageRequirements,PyCompatibility
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hmac as hmac_func
from cryptography.exceptions import InvalidSignature
from psycopg2.extras import Json
from spooky_hash import Hash128
from lockfile import LockFile, LockFailed
import msgpack

from pyloggr.utils.structured_data import StructuredData
from pyloggr.utils import to_unicode, sanitize_key, sanitize_tag, to_bytes
from pyloggr.utils.constants import EVENT_STR_FMT, REGEXP_SYSLOG23, FACILITY_TO_INT, SEVERITY_TO_INT
from pyloggr.utils.constants import PYLOGGR_SDID

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ParsingError(ValueError): """ Triggered when a string can't be parsed into an :py:class:`Event` """ # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.json = kwargs['json'] if 'json' in kwargs else False
@python_2_unicode_compatible @total_ordering
[docs]class Event(object): """ Represents a syslog event, with optional tags, custom fields and structured data Attributes ---------- procid: int severity: str facility: str app_name: str source: str programname: str syslogtag: str message: str uuid: str hmac: str timereported: Datetime timegenerated: Datetime timehmac: Datetime custom_fields: dictionnary of custom fields structured_data: dictionnary representing syslog structured data tags: set of str """ HMAC_KEY = None __slots__ = ( 'procid', '_severity', '_facility', '_app_name', '_source', 'programname', 'syslogtag', '_message', '_uuid', '_hmac', '_timereported', '_timegenerated', '_timehmac', 'iut', 'structured_data', 'relp_id', 'have_been_published', '_dirty', 'override_exchanges', 'override_event_type' ) @classmethod def set_hmac_key(cls, hmac_key): # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences cls.HMAC_KEY = to_bytes(hmac_key) @staticmethod
[docs] def make_severity(severity): """ Return a normalized severity value :param severity: syslog priority (integer) or string :type severity: int or str or unicode """ try: # from encoded priority return SEVERITY.get(int(severity) & 7, u'') except (ValueError, TypeError): pass if not severity: return u'notice' return SEVERITY.get(to_unicode(severity).lower(), u'notice')
[docs] def make_facility(facility): """ Return a normalized facility value :param facility: syslog facility (integer) or string :type facility: int or str or unicode """ try: # from encoded priority return FACILITY.get(int(facility) >> 3, u'') except ValueError: pass if not facility: return u'user' return FACILITY.get(to_unicode(facility).lower(), u'user')
[docs] def make_arrow_datetime(dt): """ Parse a date-time value and return the corresponding Arrow object :param dt: date-time :type dt: Arrow or datetime or str :return: Arrow object """ if dt is None: return None if isinstance(dt, Arrow): return dt if isinstance(dt, datetime): return Arrow.fromdatetime(dt).to('utc') # sometimes microseconds are delimited with a comma dt = dt.replace(',', '.') try: # ISO format return arrow.get(dt) except arrow.parser.ParserError: try: return arrow.get(dt, "YYMMDD HH:mm:ss") except arrow.parser.ParserError: try: # fallback to dateutil parser return Arrow.fromdatetime(dateutil.parser.parse(dt)).to('utc') except ValueError: return None # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
def __init__( self, procid=u'-', severity=u'', facility=u'', app_name=u'', source=u'', programname=u'', syslogtag=u'', message=u'', uuid=None, hmac=None, timereported=None, timegenerated=None, timehmac=None, custom_fields=None, structured_data=None, tags=None, iut=1, **kwargs ): try: self.procid = int(procid) except (ValueError, TypeError): self.procid = None self._severity = self.make_severity(severity) self._facility = self.make_facility(facility) self._app_name = to_unicode(app_name) self._source = to_unicode(source) self.programname = to_unicode(programname) if programname else self._app_name if not syslogtag: if self.procid is not None and self._app_name: self.syslogtag = u'{}[{}]'.format(self._app_name, self.procid) else: self.syslogtag = self._app_name else: self.syslogtag = to_unicode(syslogtag) self._message = to_unicode(message.strip('\r\n ')) self.iut = iut self._timegenerated = self.make_arrow_datetime(timegenerated) if timegenerated else Arrow.utcnow() self._timereported = self.make_arrow_datetime(timereported) if timereported else self._timegenerated self.structured_data = StructuredData(structured_data) self.add_tags(tags) self.custom_fields.update(custom_fields) if hmac: self._set_hmac(hmac) elif self.structured_data[PYLOGGR_SDID]['hmac']: self._set_hmac(iter(self.structured_data[PYLOGGR_SDID]['hmac']).next()) self._timehmac = None if timehmac: self._set_timehmac(timehmac) elif self.structured_data[PYLOGGR_SDID]['timehmac']: self._set_timehmac(iter(self.structured_data[PYLOGGR_SDID]['timehmac']).next()) self._parse_trusted() self._dirty = False if uuid: self._set_uuid(uuid) elif self.structured_data[PYLOGGR_SDID]['uuid']: self._set_uuid(iter(self.structured_data[PYLOGGR_SDID]['uuid']).next()) else: self.generate_uuid() self.relp_id = None self.override_exchanges = [] self.override_event_type = None @property def message(self): """ Event message """ return self._message @message.setter def message(self, new_msg): """ Set event message :param new_msg: new message value :type new_msg: str """ new_msg = to_unicode(new_msg) if new_msg != self._message: self._message = new_msg self._dirty = True @property def source(self): """ Event source hostname """ return self._source @source.setter def source(self, new_source): """ Set event source :param new_source: new source value :type new_source: str """ new_source = to_unicode(new_source) if new_source != self._source: self._source = new_source self._dirty = True @property def app_name(self): """ Name of application that generated the event """ return self._app_name @app_name.setter def app_name(self, new_app_name): """ Set event application name :param new_app_name: new application name value :type new_app_name: str """ new_app_name = to_unicode(new_app_name) if new_app_name != self._app_name: self._app_name = new_app_name self._dirty = True @property def facility(self): """ Event facility """ return self._facility @facility.setter def facility(self, new_facility): """ Set event facility :param new_facility: new facility :type new_facility: str """ new_f = self.make_facility(new_facility) if self._facility != new_f: self._facility = new_f self._dirty = True @property def severity(self): """ Event severity """ return self._severity @severity.setter def severity(self, new_severity): """ Set event severity :param new_severity: new severity :type new_severity: str """ new_s = self.make_facility(new_severity) if self._severity != new_s: self._severity = new_s self._dirty = True @property def timegenerated(self): """ event "first seen" datetime """ return self._timegenerated.datetime @timegenerated.setter def timegenerated(self, new_time): """ Set timegenerated datetime :param new_time: new datetime :type new_time: Arrow, datetime or str """ self._timegenerated = self.make_arrow_datetime(new_time) @property def timereported(self): """ event creation datetime """ return self._timereported.datetime @timereported.setter def timereported(self, new_time): """ Set timereported datetime :param new_time: new datetime :type new_time: Arrow, datetime or str """ new_t = self.make_arrow_datetime(new_time) if new_t != self._timereported: self._timereported = new_t self._dirty = True @property def timehmac(self): """ datetime, when the event HMAC was created """ return None if self._timehmac is None else self._timehmac.datetime def _set_timehmac(self, new_time): new_t = self.make_arrow_datetime(new_time) if new_t != self._timehmac: self._timehmac = new_t self.structured_data[PYLOGGR_SDID]['timehmac'] = [str(self._timehmac)]
[docs] def generate_uuid(self, new_uuid=None): """ Generate a UUID for the current event :param new_uuid: if given, sets the UUID to new_uuid. if not given generate a UUID. :return: new UUID :rtype: str """ if new_uuid: self._set_uuid(new_uuid) return digest = Hash128() # Hash128 doesn't accept unicode digest.update(self.severity.encode("utf-8")) digest.update(self.facility.encode("utf-8")) digest.update(self.app_name.encode("utf-8")) digest.update(self.source.encode("utf-8")) digest.update(self.message.encode("utf-8")) digest.update(str('utc'))) uuid = urlsafe_b64encode(digest.digest()) self._set_uuid(uuid) self._dirty = False return self._uuid
[docs] def update_uuid_and_hmac(self): """ If event is dirty (core fields have been modified), generate UUID and HMAC """ if self._dirty: self.generate_uuid() if self._hmac: self.generate_hmac(verify_if_exists=False)
@property def uuid(self): """ Return the event UUID. If event is dirty, generate a new UUID and return it. """ self.update_uuid_and_hmac() return self._uuid @property def uid(self): return self.uuid def _set_uuid(self, new_uuid): new_uuid = to_unicode(new_uuid) self._uuid = new_uuid self.custom_fields['uuid'] = [new_uuid] @property def priority(self): """ Return the event computed syslog priority """ return 8 * FACILITY_TO_INT.get(self.facility, 1) + SEVERITY_TO_INT.get(self.severity) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.uuid)
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): """ Two events are equal if they have the same UUID :type other: Event :rtype: bool """ if self._uuid == other._uuid: return self.message == other.message and self._timereported == other._timereported and \ self.severity == other.severity and self.facility == other.facility and \ self.app_name == other.app_name and self.source == other.source return False
[docs] def __lt__(self, other): """ self < other if self.timereported < other.timereported :type other: Event :rtype: bool """ if self == other: return False return self._timereported < other._timereported
@property def hmac(self): """ Return the event HMAC. If event doesn't have a HMAC, return empty string If event has a HMAC and is not dirty, return HMAC If event is dirty, compute the new HMAC and return it """ _hmac = self.structured_data[PYLOGGR_SDID]['hmac'] if not _hmac: return u'' if self._dirty: # event is dirty, we re-generate UUID and HMAC self.update_uuid_and_hmac() return iter(_hmac).next() def _set_hmac(self, new_hmac): self.structured_data[PYLOGGR_SDID]['hmac'] = [to_unicode(new_hmac)] def _make_hmac_obj(self): h = hmac_func.HMAC(self.HMAC_KEY, hashes.SHA256(), backend=default_backend()) # HMAC doesn't accept unicode h.update(self.severity.encode("utf-8")) h.update(self.facility.encode("utf-8")) h.update(self.app_name.encode("utf-8")) h.update(self.source.encode("utf-8")) h.update(self.message.encode("utf-8")) h.update(str('utc'))) h.update(str('utc'))) return h
[docs] def generate_hmac(self, verify_if_exists=True): """ generate_hmac(self, verify_if_exists=True) Generate a HMAC from the fields: severity, facility, app_name, source, message, timereported :param verify_if_exists: verify event HMAC if it has one :type verify_if_exists: bool :return: a base 64 encoded HMAC :rtype: str :raise InvalidSignature: if HMAC already exists but is invalid """ _hmac = self.structured_data[PYLOGGR_SDID]['hmac'] if _hmac and verify_if_exists: self.verify_hmac() return _hmac self._set_timehmac(Arrow.utcnow()) h = self._make_hmac_obj() _hmac.clear() _hmac.add(to_unicode(b64encode(h.finalize()))) return iter(_hmac).next()
[docs] def verify_hmac(self): """ Verify event's HMAC Throws an InvalidSignature exception if HMAC is invalid :return: True :rtype: bool :raise InvalidSignature: if HMAC is invalid """ if not Event.HMAC_KEY: return True _hmac = self.structured_data[PYLOGGR_SDID]['hmac'] if not _hmac: logger.debug("Event (UUID: {}) doesn't have a HMAC".format(self.uuid)) return True if self._dirty:"Can't verify HMAC: event is dirty") return True if not self._timehmac: raise InvalidSignature("Event (UUID: {}) has a HMAC but doesn't have a HMAC time".format( self.uuid )) h = self._make_hmac_obj() try: h.verify(b64decode(iter(_hmac).next())) except InvalidSignature: logger.error("Event (UUID: {}) has an invalid HMAC signature".format(self.uuid)) raise return True
@property def custom_fields(self): """ Small helper to access pyloggr specific custom fields """ return self.structured_data[PYLOGGR_SDID] @property def tags(self): """ Access the event tags. Returns a set. """ return self.structured_data[PYLOGGR_SDID]['tags']
[docs] def add_tags(self, tags): """ Add some tags to the event :param tags: a list of tags """ if tags: self.structured_data[PYLOGGR_SDID]['tags'].update(sanitize_tag(tag) for tag in tags)
[docs] def remove_tags(self, tags): """ Remove some tags from the event. If the event does not really have such tag, it is ignored. :param tags: a list of tags """ if tags: self.structured_data[PYLOGGR_SDID]['tags'].difference_update( sanitize_tag(tag) for tag in tags )
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key): """ Return a custom field, given its key :param key: custom field key :type key: str """ return self.structured_data[PYLOGGR_SDID][key]
[docs] def update_cfield(self, key, values): """ Append some values to custom field `key` :param key: custom field key :param values: iterable """ self.structured_data[PYLOGGR_SDID].add(key, values)
[docs] def __setitem__(self, key, values): """ Sets a custom field :param key: custom field key :type key: str :param values: custom field values :type values: iterable """ self.structured_data[PYLOGGR_SDID][key] = values
[docs] def __delitem__(self, key): """ Deletes a custom field :param key: custom field key :type key: str """ key = sanitize_key(key) if key in self.structured_data[PYLOGGR_SDID]: del self.structured_data[PYLOGGR_SDID][key]
[docs] def update_cfields(self, d): """ Add some custom fields to the event :param d: a dictionnary of new fields :type d: dict """ self.structured_data[PYLOGGR_SDID].update(d)
def __iter__(self): return iter(self.custom_fields) # noinspection PyDocstring def iterkeys(self): return iter(self.custom_fields) # noinspection PyDocstring def keys(self): return list(iter(self.custom_fields))
[docs] def __contains__(self, key): """ Return True if event has the given custom field, and the field is not empty :param key: custom field key :type key: str :rtype: bool """ san = sanitize_key(key) if san not in self.structured_data[PYLOGGR_SDID]: return False return bool(self.structured_data[PYLOGGR_SDID][san])
[docs] def _parse_trusted(self): """ Parse the "trusted fields" that rsyslog could generate """ # ex: @[_PID=5096 _UID=0 _GID=1000 _COMM=sudo test _EXE=/usr/bin/sudo test _CMDLINE="sudo test ls "] match_obj = RE_MSG_W_TRUSTED.match(self.message) if match_obj: self._message = to_unicode( s = trusted_fields_match = RE_TRUSTED_FIELDS.match(s) if not trusted_fields_match: return for f in viewvalues(trusted_fields_match.groupdict()): if f is None: continue try: f_name, f_content = f.split(u'=', 1) except (ValueError, AttributeError): pass else: f_name = to_unicode(f_name.strip(u' "\'\r\n')) f_name = TRUSTED_FIELDS_MAP.get(f_name, None) if f_name: self.update_cfield(f_name, f_content.strip(u' "\'\r\n'))
@classmethod def _load_syslog_rfc5424(cls, s): """ Parse a rfc5424 string into an Event :param s: string event :type s: str :return: the new Event :rtype: Event """ # noinspection PyTypeChecker s = to_unicode(s, fixes=True) match_obj = REGEXP_SYSLOG23.match(s) if match_obj is None: raise ParsingError("Event is not a SYSLOG23 string") flds = match_obj.groupdict() event_dict = dict() event_dict['facility'] = int(flds['PRI']) event_dict['severity'] = int(flds['PRI']) event_dict['source'] = flds['HOSTNAME'] event_dict['app_name'] = flds['APPNAME'] event_dict['programname'] = flds['APPNAME'] try: event_dict['procid'] = int(flds['PROCID']) except ValueError: event_dict['procid'] = None event_dict['message'] = flds['MSG'].strip(' \n') if flds['MSG'] is not None else u'' event_dict['timereported'] = flds['TIMESTAMP'] event_dict['timegenerated'] = event_dict['timereported'] if event_dict['procid'] is not None: event_dict['syslogtag'] = "{}[{}]".format(event_dict['app_name'], event_dict['procid']) else: event_dict['syslogtag'] = event_dict['app_name'] if flds['STRUCTUREDDATA'] != '-': event_dict['structured_data'] = StructuredData.parse(flds['STRUCTUREDDATA']) try: return Event(**event_dict) except TypeError as ex: raise_from(ParsingError(u"Event could not be instantied"), ex) @classmethod def _load_syslog_rfc3164(cls, s): """ Parse a rfc3164 string into an Event :param s: string event :type s: str :return: the new Event :rtype: Event """ # noinspection PyTypeChecker s = to_unicode(s, fixes=True) match_obj = REGEXP_SYSLOG.match(s) if match_obj is None: raise ParsingError("Event is not a SYSLOG string") flds = match_obj.groupdict() event_dict = dict() event_dict['facility'] = int(flds['PRI']) event_dict['severity'] = int(flds['PRI']) event_dict['source'] = flds['HOSTNAME'] event_dict['timereported'] = flds['TIMESTAMP'] event_dict['timegenerated'] = event_dict['timereported'] event_dict['message'] = flds['MSG'].strip(' \n-') try: name, number = flds['SYSLOGTAG'].split('[', 1) except ValueError: event_dict['app_name'] = flds['SYSLOGTAG'].strip() event_dict['procid'] = None else: event_dict['app_name'] = name event_dict['procid'] = number.strip('[]') event_dict['programname'] = event_dict['app_name'] event_dict['syslogtag'] = flds['SYSLOGTAG'].strip() try: return Event(**event_dict) except TypeError as ex: raise_from(ParsingError(u"Event could not be instantied"), ex) @classmethod
[docs] def load(cls, s): """ Try to deserialize an Event from a string or a dictionnary. `load` understands JSON events, RFC 5424 events and RFC 3164 events, or dictionnary events. It automatically detects the type, using regexp tests. :param s: string (JSON or RFC 5424 or RFC 3164) or dictionnary :type s: str or dict or bytes :return: The parsed event :rtype: Event :raise `ParsingError`: if deserialization fails """ if isinstance(s, dict): try: return Event(**s) except TypeError as ex: raise_from(ParsingError(u"Event could not be instantied"), ex) return if isinstance(s, past_unicode): s = s.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(s, realbytes): s = s.strip('\n\r ') if not len(s): raise ParsingError(u"empty string") first = ord(s[0]) # 0xde or 0xdf or 0b1000xxxx from if first == 222 or first == 223 or (128 <= first <= 143): # msgpack map format return cls._load_msgpack(s) # 123 = { in JSON if first == 123: return cls._load_json(s) if REGEXP_START_SYSLOG23.match(s): return cls._load_syslog_rfc5424(s) elif REGEXP_START_SYSLOG.match(s): return cls._load_syslog_rfc3164(s) else: raise ParsingError('unrecognized format') else: raise ParsingError(u"s must be a dict or a basestring")
[docs] def parse_bytes_to_event(cls, bytes_ev, hmac=False, swallow_exceptions=False): """ Parse some bytes into an :py:class:`pyloggr.event.Event` object :param bytes_ev: the event as bytes :type bytes_ev: bytes :param hmac: generate/verify a HMAC :type hmac: bool :param swallow_exceptions: if True, return None rather than raising validation exceptions :type swallow_exceptions: bool :return: the new Event object :rtype: Event :raise ParsingError: if bytes could not be parsed correctly :raise InvalidSignature: if `hmac` is True and a HMAC already exists, but is invalid """ try: # optimization: if we're sure that the event is JSON, skip type detection tests event = cls.load(bytes_ev) except ParsingError: logger.warning(u"Could not unmarshall a syslog event") logger.debug(to_unicode(bytes_ev)) if swallow_exceptions: return else: raise if hmac and Event.HMAC_KEY: # verify HMAC if the event has one, else generate a HMAC try: event.generate_hmac(verify_if_exists=True) except InvalidSignature: if swallow_exceptions: return else: raise return event
@classmethod def loads(cls, json_encoded): return cls._load_json(json_encoded) @classmethod def _load_json(cls, json_encoded): """ Factory: returns an Event by parsing a JSON encoded string :param json_encoded: a JSON encoded event string :type json_encoded: str :rtype: Event :raise ParsingError: if parsing failed """ try: d = ujson.loads(json_encoded) except ValueError as ex: raise_from(ParsingError(u"Provided string was not JSON parsable", json=True), ex) else: try: return Event(**d) except TypeError as ex: raise_from(ParsingError(u"Event could not be instantied"), ex) @classmethod def _load_msgpack(cls, msgpack_encoded): """ Factory: returns an Event by parsing a msgpack encoded string :param msgpack_encoded: a JSON encoded event string :type msgpack_encoded: bytes :rtype: Event :raise ParsingError: if parsing failed """ try: d = msgpack.unpackb(msgpack_encoded) except ValueError as ex: raise_from(ParsingError(u"Provided string was not msgpack parsable", json=True), ex) else: try: return Event(**d) except TypeError as ex: raise_from(ParsingError(u"Event could not be instantied"), ex)
[docs] def dump(self, frmt="JSON", fname=None): """ Dump the event Explicit format: a string with the following possible placeholders: $DATE, $DATETIME, $MESSAGE, $SOURCE, $APP_NAME, $SEVERITY, $FACILITY, $PROCID, $UUID, $TAGS :param frmt: dumping format (JSON, MSGPACK, RFC5424, RFC3164, RSYSLOG, ES or an explicit format) :param fname: if not None, write the dumped string to fname file :return: dumped string :raise OSError: if file operation fails (when fname is not None) """ dispatch = { 'JSON': self.dump_json, 'MSGPACK': self.dump_msgpack, 'RFC5424': self.dump_rfc5424, 'RFC3164': self.dump_rfc3164, 'RSYSLOG': self.dump_rsyslog, 'ES': self.dumps_elastic } if frmt in dispatch: # noinspection PyCallingNonCallable s = dispatch[frmt]() else: self.update_uuid_and_hmac() # custom format return to_unicode(frmt).replace( "$DATE", str( ).replace( "$DATETIME", str(self._timereported) ).replace( "$MESSAGE", self.message ).replace( "$SOURCE", self.source ).replace( "$APP_NAME", self.app_name ).replace( "$SEVERITY", self.severity ).replace( "$FACILITY", self.facility ).replace( "$PROCID", str(self.procid) if self.procid else '-' ).replace( "$UUID", self.uuid ).replace( "$TAGS", ','.join(self.tags) ) if fname: try: with LockFile(fname): with open(fname, 'wb') as fhandle: fhandle.write(s) except LockFailed as ex: raise_from(OSError("Event.dump_json: failed to lock '{}'".format(fname)), ex) return s
[docs] def dump_msgpack(self): """ Dump the event using msgpack """ self.update_uuid_and_hmac() return msgpack.packb(self.dump_dict())
[docs] def dump_rsyslog(self): """ Dump the event as RSYSLOG_FileFormat see: """ self.update_uuid_and_hmac() # ex: 2015-05-17T05:35:01.651336+02:00 CRON[25052]: pam_unix(cron:session): session closed for user root return u"{} {} {}: {}".format(str(self._timereported), self.source, self.syslogtag, self.message)
[docs] def dump_rfc3164(self): """ Dump the event into a RFC 3164 old-style syslog string """ self.update_uuid_and_hmac() # ex: <34>Oct 11 22:14:15 mymachine su: 'su root' failed for lonvick on /dev/pts/8 return u"<{}>{} {} {}: {}".format( self.priority,'utc').format("MMM DD hh:mm:ss"), self.source, self.app_name, self.message )
[docs] def dump_json(self): """ Dump the event in JSON format :rtype: str """ self.update_uuid_and_hmac() # instantiate a dedicate schema object to avoid thread safety issues return ujson.dumps(self.dump_dict())
def dumps(self): return self.dump_json()
[docs] def dump_rfc5424(self): """ Dump the event into a RFC 5424 compliant string """ self.update_uuid_and_hmac() procid = '-' if self.procid is None else self.procid header = u"<{}>1 {} {} {} {} -".format( self.priority, str(self._timereported), self.source, self.app_name, procid ) if self.structured_data: structured_data_line = self.structured_data.dump() else: structured_data_line = "-" line = u"{} {} {}".format(header, structured_data_line, self.message) return line.encode('utf-8')
[docs] def dumps_elastic(self): """ Dumps in JSON suited for Elasticsearch :rtype: str """ self.update_uuid_and_hmac() # # d = self.dump_dict() return ujson.dumps(d)
[docs] def dump_dict(self): """ Serialize the event as a native python dict :rtype: dict """ self.update_uuid_and_hmac() d = { 'uuid': self.uuid, 'severity': self.severity, 'facility': self.facility, 'source': self.source, 'message': self.message, 'app_name': self.app_name, 'iut': self.iut, 'timereported': str(self._timereported), 'timegenerated': str(self._timegenerated), 'structured_data': { sdid: { key: list(values) for key, values in viewitems(paramvalues) if values } for sdid, paramvalues in viewitems(self.structured_data) if paramvalues } } if self.procid: d['procid'] = self.procid return d
[docs] def dump_sql(self, cursor): """ Dumps the event as a SQL insert statement :param cursor: SQL cursor :rtype: str """ self.update_uuid_and_hmac() d = self.dump_dict() d['structured_data'] = Json(d['structured_data']) d['timereported'] = self.timereported # datetime object d['timegenerated'] = self.timegenerated # datetime object return cursor.mogrify(SQL_VALUES_STR, d) # noinspection PyDocstring
def str(self): return EVENT_STR_FMT.format(self) def __str__(self): return self.str()
[docs] def apply_filters(self, filters): """ Apply some filters to the event :param filters: filters to apply """ filters.apply(self)
def lmdb_idx(self): return str('utc')) + self.uuid