Source code for pyloggr.rabbitmq.publisher

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The publisher module provides the `Publisher` class to publish messages to RabbitMQ

__author__ = 'stef'

import logging
from datetime import timedelta

import pika
from pika.adapters.tornado_connection import TornadoConnection
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
from tornado.gen import coroutine, Task, Return, with_timeout, TimeoutError
from tornado.concurrent import Future, chain_future
from toro import Event

from . import RabbitMQConnectionError

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Publisher(object): """ Publisher encapsulates the logic for async publishing to RabbitMQ Parameters ========== rabbitmq_config: pyloggr.config.RabbitMQBaseConfig RabbitMQ connection parameters base_routing_key: str This routing key will be used if no routing_key is provided to publish methods """ def __init__(self, rabbitmq_config, base_routing_key=u''): """ :type rabbitmq_config: pyloggr.config.RabbitMQBaseConfig :type base_routing_key: str """ self._parameters = pika.ConnectionParameters(, port=rabbitmq_config.port, credentials=pika.PlainCredentials(rabbitmq_config.user, rabbitmq_config.password), virtual_host=rabbitmq_config.vhost ) self.rabbitmq_config = rabbitmq_config self.connection = None = None self.closing = False self.connection_has_been_closed_event = None self.base_routing_key = base_routing_key self._reset_counters() # IOLoop.instance().add_callback(self.connect) def _reset_counters(self): self._delivery_tag = 0 self._ack = 0 self._nack = 0 self.futures_ack = dict() def _open_channel(self, callback=None):"Opening channel to RabbitMQ publisher") @coroutine
[docs] def start(self): """ start() Starts the publisher. start() raises RabbitMQConnectionError if no connection can be established. If connection succeeds, it returns a toro.Event object that will resolve when connection will be lost Note ==== Coroutine """"Connecting to RabbitMQ publisher") self._reset_counters() error_connect_future = Future() connect_future = Future() self.closing = False def _on_connect_error(conn, errormsg=None): error_connect_future.set_result((False, conn, errormsg)) def _on_connect_open(conn): connect_future.set_result((True, conn, None)) self.connection_has_been_closed_event = Event() # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def _on_connection_close(conn, reply_code, reply_text):"Connection to RabbitMQ publisher has been closed!") current_tags = self.futures_ack.keys() for tag in current_tags: if not self.futures_ack[tag].done(): self.futures_ack[tag].set_result(False) self.connection = None = None # notify who is using the publisher self.connection_has_been_closed_event.set() self.closing = False # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def _on_channel_close(chan, reply_code, reply_text):"Channel to RabbitMQ publisher has been closed!") current_tags = self.futures_ack.keys() for tag in current_tags: if not self.futures_ack[tag].done(): self.futures_ack[tag].set_result(False) = None self.closing = True self.connection.close() self.connection = TornadoConnection( self._parameters, on_open_callback=_on_connect_open, on_open_error_callback=_on_connect_error, on_close_callback=None, custom_ioloop=IOLoop.current(), stop_ioloop_on_close=False, ) chain_future(error_connect_future, connect_future) try: (res, connection, error_msg) = yield with_timeout(timedelta(seconds=10), connect_future) except TimeoutError: logger.error("publisher: connect to rabbitmq timeout") raise else: if not res: raise RabbitMQConnectionError(error_msg)"Connection to RabbitMQ publisher has been opened") if connection is not None: connection.add_on_close_callback(_on_connection_close) channel = yield Task(self._open_channel)"Channel to RabbitMQ publisher has been opened") self._reset_counters() = channel # give an Event object to client, so that it can detect when connection has been closed raise Return(self.connection_has_been_closed_event) # noinspection PyDocstring
[docs] def publish(self, exchange, body, routing_key=u'', message_id=None, headers=None, content_type="application/json", content_encoding="utf-8", persistent=True, application_id=u'', event_type=u''): """ publish(exchange, body, routing_key='', message_id=None, headers=None, content_type="application/json", content_encoding="utf-8", persistent=True, application_id=None, event_type=None) Publish a message to RabbitMQ Parameters ========== exchange: str publish to this exchange body: str message body routing_key: str optional routing key message_id: str optional ID for the message headers: dict optional message headers content_type: str message content type content_encoding: str message charset persistent: bool if True, message will be persisted in RabbitMQ application_id: str optional application ID event_type: str optional message type :rtype: bool Note ==== Coroutine """ if self.connection is None: logger.warning('Impossible to publish: no connection') raise Return(False) if not self.connection.is_open: logger.warning('Impossible to publish: connection is not opened') raise Return(False) if is None: logger.warning('Impossible to publish: no channel') self._open_channel() raise Return(False) if not logger.warning('Impossible to publish: channel is not opened') self._open_channel() raise Return(False) mode = 2 if persistent else 1 application_id = application_id if application_id else self.rabbitmq_config.application_id event_type = event_type if event_type else self.rabbitmq_config.event_type publish_properties = pika.BasicProperties( content_type=content_type, content_encoding=content_encoding, app_id=application_id, type=event_type, delivery_mode=mode, message_id=message_id, headers=headers ) self._delivery_tag += 1 current_tag = self._delivery_tag self.futures_ack[current_tag] = Future() logger.debug("Publishing message: {}".format(current_tag)) if not routing_key: routing_key = self.base_routing_key, routing_key, body, publish_properties) res = yield self.futures_ack[current_tag] del self.futures_ack[current_tag] raise Return(res)
[docs] def publish_event(self, event, routing_key=u'', exchange=u'', application_id=u'', event_type=u''): """ publish_event(event, routing_key=u'', exchange=u'', application_id=u'', event_type=u'') Publish an Event object in RabbitMQ. Always persistent. :param event: Event object :type event: pyloggr.event.Event :param routing_key: RabbitMQ routing key :type routing_key: str or unicode :param exchange: optional exchange (override global config) :type exchange: str or unicode :param application_id: optional application ID (override global config) :type application_id: str or unicode :param event_type: optional event type (override global config) :type event_type: str or unicode Note ==== Tornado coroutine """ json_event = event.dump_json() if not routing_key: routing_key = self.base_routing_key # publish the event in RabbitMQ in JSON format exchange = str(exchange) if exchange else result = yield self.publish( exchange=exchange, body=json_event, routing_key=routing_key, message_id=event.uuid, persistent=True, application_id=application_id, event_type=event_type ) raise Return((result, event))
def _on_delivery_confirmation(self, method_frame): confirmation_type = method_frame.method.NAME.split('.')[1].lower() tag = method_frame.method.delivery_tag multiple = method_frame.method.multiple if confirmation_type == 'ack': if multiple: logger.debug("Publisher: Multiple ACK up to tag: {}".format(tag)) all_confirmed_tags = [t for t, f in self.futures_ack.items() if t <= tag and not f.done()] for t in all_confirmed_tags: self.futures_ack[t].set_result(True) self._ack += len(all_confirmed_tags) else: logger.debug("Publisher: Received ACK for message '{}'".format(tag)) self.futures_ack[tag].set_result(True) self._ack += 1 else: logger.warning("Publisher: Received NACK for message '{}'".format(tag)) self.futures_ack[tag].set_result(False) self._nack += 1 logger.debug("'Publisher: {}' deliveries on '{}' messages".format(self._ack + self._nack, self._delivery_tag)) @coroutine
[docs] def stop(self): """ stop() Stops the publisher Note ==== Tornado coroutine """ if not self.closing: self.closing = True if self.connection is None: return if self.connection.is_closed or self.connection.is_closing: return self.connection.close() yield self.connection_has_been_closed_event.wait()